@Minholkin The what now???
Hello #LazyCoso - we got any Oracle DBAs lurkin' here?
@MrsE0113 @janallmac There should be a one:one chat feature. Search, not mediated by a Team. Teams doesn't make it dead obvious you're not in a group chat, so watch for that. Just search their Name and choose from the "people" category on the search result.
@JeSsA My friend's dog was very excited to watch it!
@th3j35t3r This is almost unbelievable. Only almost because today is not April 1 and I don't think you'd deliberately yank our chains with a prank like that.
@daneel Oh. Congrats on the new job! Best of luck and all success!
@daneel What happens to me in such situations: Re-arrange office. Throw out a lot of old crap that makes me nervous. Deep clean the kitchen. Yard work. Get sore, acquire sinus infection from all the dust.
@MrsE0113 Sometimes that is indeed a Blessed Event.
@Kinnison Surely someone who has FB infection already can redeem this for you?
@northernbassist Such handsome, fine and lazy cats.
@soulasassin Only a Fake letter claiming to release funds: https://www.newsweek.com/gsa-transition-letter-fake-biden-harris-election-1545980
@5104n Oh, sorry. I miss um...