28 years ago on this day, several hours earlier than it is now, my mother passed at 52. I was 28. So now I've been without a parent for longer than I had one. It must be said that she'd already been 2k miles away for 7 years, so it wasn't a big change in my life that she wasn't there. It's just a set of numbers that happen to align today in a way that will never happen again. Symmetry. And no, I am not joking, and my employer didn't believe me either. Much.
@chakaal I'm sorry to read that, sorry for you. That was a short life for your mom. She left an impression of love upon you or you wouldn't have posted this, so in that sense you tasted the sweetness. That's good fortune because no matter how long they are here we always miss the loving ones. I hope you find some peace about it.