@jpacker hmm. Never had a problem with my book. And it was part of the first shipments. Ben thinking of trying to join an online game for some system. I really miss the creative outlet.
@Nemo oh man that sucks. Render problems are the worst.
@itsscottwilder @Psychodynamics I have an echo and can't really use it very much. I have a chrome cast, I have an Android TV, I don't have other Amazon products. So depending on of you already have a foothold in Google or Amazon besides the Echo or Home, I think your best bet is the one that fits what you already have. Me, I'm going to get both, as a developer and just technology enthusiast, I want to know and work with both.
@WWelna heh. Yeah. There's a bit more now than when they announced it was fully supported at I/O. Main thing I'm doing now is figuring the structure of an Android app
@jpacker had some fun with 4, but 5th is where I mostly love it, even if I haven't gotten to play it much. I was actually a part of the first public play test for 5th, and it was amazing.
@jpacker I'm mostly D&D 3.5 and 5th, but been enjoying Edge of the Empire a lot when I played it. I also really like Shadowrun. But I'll play anything.
I miss playing.
@TheDallasDapifer interesting. Didn't know that. Don't think it appears in the app, unless you gif is really REALLY long.
@WeThePeople what makes me sad is even if the launch is successful, it is most likely he still won't make it down safely. So even if he gets to the point where he goes "well crap. It is round", no one knows. No one changes their mind.
@kuboa @WeThePeople they make those sadly.
@Stace @Cobalt if you believe them, Antarctica. I've seen a video or two about Flat Earth Theory, and it's just.... It makes my brain hurt. https://img.purch.com/w/660/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW5jZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2kvMDAwLzAzMi82NzQvb3JpZ2luYWwvRmxhdF9lYXJ0aC5qcGc=
@TheDallasDapifer I am trying to build a but of a follow list partly because of this. I am enjoying the local timeline still for now.
@RedVonix Did you enjoy it? Thought about trying to stream se coding projects as a method to motivate myself
@KyleL I've got a 9 year old. Does that count?
#PuppersOfCS guess I'll join in with the recently adopted Athena! She's almost too smart for her own good, but she's awesome. https://counter.social/media/fxgb35P4ndDITi7Q07g
@Defy nice! Looks good! Little jealous over here.
Software Engineer from Louisville, KY. Mainly silly thoughts and musings.