I just had to bail on a work call for an emergency run to the beach.
Too bad it was because my kid who works there left something at home. #VBProblems
This is what happens when someone doesn't have to spend Monday at school anymore:
Today everyone at the schools was asked to wear blue to show support. My son didn't wear blue. He is wearing his UNC Charlotte shirt. He's the only member of his hs class going to Charlotte in the fall. The shooting there was either the day of or the day after commitments were due. We had already said yes. And a month later, here we are.
Thanks for letting me vent. I think I can handle the inevitable questions from the next couple of meetings now.
Today's the first time I've been alone with only my thoughts after Friday's event. And that's speaking as someone who wasn't impacted at all. So how does one explain being generally sad about the event to coworkers around the world when I know there are people who experienced the end of the world.
And then later, my wife will come home from her school that now is one parent short; a student she had last year lost her mother Friday. That will not be fun.
I'm really not all that interesting, unless you consider the coffee-fueled mania that is the day-to-day struggle of my love affair with data interesting.