Various growing methods can be employed, such as hydroponics, where plants grow in nutrient solutions instead of traditional substrates.
Lightweight substrates can also be used to minimize additional weight caused by plants and containers. Beyond their aesthetic appeal and creation of green spaces in cities, greenhouse buses have the potential to reduce environmental impact, shares the multidisciplinary creative.
The increased vegetation helps absorb carbon dioxide and improves air quality.
#TheGreenhouseBuses Project by #EmilioAlarcรณn aims to transform intercity mobility by turning electric buses into mobile greenhouses addressing the challenges of global warming and the lack of green spaces in cities.
The digital art series proposes the utilization of the available space inside buses for growing plants, shrubs, and small trees, and their conversion into itinerant oases in the middle of urban environments.
@sumpnlikefaith thank you โค๏ธ
I think "othering" is such a pervasive problem and, when coupled with willful ignorance, is a recipe for making other people miserable.
At the same time othering is important in recognizing that people's experiences day to day differ greatly sometimes from those around them, in ways that may be shocking for people to think about.
The other is someone to LEARN about. The other can TEACH you about yourself. The other can expand your knowledge. The other is epic.
The whole ... "life isn't like that FOR ME, therefore it can't possibly be like that FOR YOU" nonsense seems to be pervasive in places ... also along with the idea that there is something wrong with people who experience the world in x,y, or z way, because the world can't possibly be how they describe it ...
Oh it is.
Pessimism. Negativity. Anger. Fear.
These words are often used to DISMISS and DIMINISH the reality and truth that others are trying to express about their actual lives.
And yeah sometimes those feelings are dark and hard to read about and even harder to accept ... but it is someone's truth and someone's expression of their pain or their difficulties thriving.
It doesn't deserve to be dismissed or devalued simply because someone else is too cowardly to face it.
Listen. Believe. Assist.
For many people and even my family ... my reality COULDN'T be real. My realism COULDN'T be truth.
That would mean that they would have to see something of themselves in it. That would mean they would have to face some kind of level of responsibility in what pain and misery I was expressing ... and there was no way in Hell that was happening.
This is true for those who deny the pain, hardships, and anger of others. They would have to recognize their contributions to it or their ignorance.
Everyone's reality is specific to them ... it's DIFFERENT from others around them.
Think about people who live with #chronicillness or #disability or who are #neurodivergent or people who have #aphantasia or #faceblindness or whatever it may be.
Their worlds are, in many ways, impossible for you to comprehend living in and difficult for you to relate to.
The reality of living is different for everyone. You can only hope to scratch the surface of it ... but it doesn't make it less real.
My perspective was always on REALISM and the truth of my existence which, for them, was absolutely abhorrent.
I find this is true even online when it comes to people expressing the truth of their lives - especially BIPOC people.
Their reality is horrible for others to read about ... so much so that people will just flat out deny it's truth in fits of delusion and anger.
I talk about people living in different realities all the time because THEY DO. They aren't the same worlds AT ALL.
If you were to ask my family they'd tell you that growing up I was a negative child ... that I had dark thoughts ... that I was pessimistic.
I think from their perspective that was absolute TRUTH. In their reality, what I was expressing brought those feelings out in them.
I had started to focus on and embrace #stoicism very early in order to deal with physical and emotional abuse (from them) and the rest of the world.
I talk about that here:
To me it was REALISM.
@Qbae We humans do like to see patterns in our lives, whether they are there or not.
Disabled drivers wary of Blue Badge use after thefts
I use one of these:
Well worth the cost for peace of mind and a major deterrent.
Be Excellent To Each Other โคโฎ
They/Them ~ UK
Friendly Neighbourhood Misfit
Autistic and Type 1 Diabetes