Uhm it’s colder in San Antonio, Texas than it is in Quebec City, Canada right now 😱
If anyone wants to track power outages in Texas... here's the link.
Wells Fargo is fined $1.7 billion for "illegal activity" that harmed over 16 million consumer accounts over multiple years
3M to Stop Making Forever Chemicals (PFAS) by 2025
Coronavirus booster shots reduced by at least 50 percent the likelihood of ending up in an emergency room or being hospitalized, according to data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/12/16/covid-booster-shot-tripledemic #covid
In Colorado and other parts of the nation we are about to see temperatures we haven't seen in decades. In Co we're expecting temps between -26°to-40° with windchill. Your dogs and cats will not survive even going out for 5 minutes to pee. GET PEE PADS AND KEEP THEM IN!!
Sound engineer mixing comedy and music.