"The U.S. joined Saudi Arabia, Iran and North Korea in voting against the resolution."

Someone please explain why.


The Smith Compound crew will celebrate on New Year's Eve by torching not one but two Twitter accounts.


What to give a crime fiction fan? How about some “compelling, gut-wrenching” Detective Red Shaw?

On sale @Smashwords for the holidays!


My advice to not just but to in general is this:

Yeah, listen to and read the advice of others more experienced than you, but write your stuff. Just get it out of your head and onto paper. Don't fuck about with form, i.e., margins and font and font size and word and page count. Get it all on paper. You'll have time to get it in the correct format and all *after* you've done all the other drafts and made it all work. (Trust me. You first draft will be shit. They are.)

Well, I gave it my best shot...

Congrats to the winning haiku writers of all ages!!


FTR, I don't care that "impactful" is in some dictionaries. Ain't gonna use it in any other sentence of mine.


There's a difference between "writer's block" and "I don't like what I'm writing but don't like admitting it."

One's a paralysis packaged in fear and expectation, the other is boredom. They're not the same.

If you don't like what you're writing, go write what you would like to be writing. This is your permission slip.

On flying the flag or burning it Show more

Haiku contest entries are due Monday. Have you submitted your 17 syllables yet?

I just did. (Not the one attached.) Always fun to try!



Colorado politics Show more

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BJSmith, WordWorker

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.