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Apologies to anyone who's seen me toot the same toot a dozen times trying to get a response.

Site definitely feels faster this morning. Now if they can make the signup for Pro work, I'd be in business.

"Coming home sweaty from a 7:00 AM 3 mile run and picking up coffee and a chicken roller for my wife" is a love language, I'd like to think.

Trying to upgrade to Pro but login screen says my password is invalid. Is this a known issue? Because it works to get into the site proper.

In this context I really don't care whether it's for/against the opposition, it's just the tone of them that causes my spleen to spin slowly like it's on a rotisserie.

I feel like Hell's waiting room is being stuck in the lobby while my car is being serviced, and the TV is on and unable to be muted, and it's just NONSTOP POLITICAL ATTACK ADS, most of which are just relentless bullshit.

Back playing at CoSo again, checking vibes and noting the deltas.

Guested on the North By North Quest podcast last night as Morbeek, which is essentially Sam The Eagle if he were a DBZ character.

On my immediate radar are powercramming to run at MomoCon in May. In a short time it's impressed me so much as a system that perfectly balances crunch & fluff.

So given that this instance is isolated, "Local Timeline" is all 25,000 of us? No exceptions?

@XSGeek I mean, after all that, all that remains is just generally acting like an asshole, and I hope this doesn't result in too many false positives.

From what the preference menu suggested, is this wrapped around Mastodon tech?

Always willing to check out alternatives to social media dependent on ad revenues.

Zach Gaskins

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.