Regarding recent drama surrounding a piracy website being shut down:

I gotta be honest, getting berated and blasted, being called everything from a "classist" to a "problematic cishet amerocentric white woman" (y'all, I'm not even...never mind. :facepalm: )

All of that? It just made me *more* opposed to piracy. Like, I do not even care anymore what the reason is.


@LAHolloway I don't know the context here, but I do feel like sometimes people blur the line between "starving artist needing to be compensated for their labor" vs "rich entity gobbling up property and artificially inflating its value to turn a profit".

We can and should know the difference.

@LAHolloway "Pay the artist" and "Eat the rich" are not anywhere close to contradictory.

@bigheadzach Context is so hard to provide, but a summary:
People who can afford books but choose not to pay for them because "paying for art is classist" are angry and blaming authors for a piracy website being shut down.
The same people have successfully strawmanned the argument into a conversation about how, without piracy, people in the 3rd world won't have books.

@bigheadzach And of course, that's problematic af because now we are just reasserting our societal bias that poor people are inherently criminal, but no one wants to talk about that.

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