
I am curious how brand representation will be treated here. If a place on the web is popular then businesses will want to present there.

If all they get to do is run a socmed mgr account, it's probably fine. But to some I can totally understand their trepidations.

@bigheadzach I think a lot of them aren't going to like that there's no algorithm here to shove their content ahead of everyone else's. They would have to have a presence based on their activity and the merits of their product instead of cute/funny posts that generate likes and drives users to them.

We'll see if they can figure out how to work with a truly organic model or not.

@Tarnagh I think that's what the execs would feel. The youthful memeish manager person who just likes talking to folks about stuff probably will feel less pressure.

@Dane And I'm not saying I'm for it or against it, but that if CoSo continues to do numbers, they will come looking. And I'm curious how that will work when there is no algorithm to be gamed or special promotion to be bought.


Yes, the influx of commercial accounts is kind of troubling to me. I'm now muting a lot more accounts than I was because they're obviously promotional, not personal.

Part of the reason I like it on CoSo is the crowdfunded aspect. Ads annoy me. An individual marketing themselves, fine. In fact, I may support you (e.g. I'll buy something from BandCampers that post here, like @stueytheround ).

But commercial accounts? Feckem. Mute, maybe block. If they're begging stats, I block.

@bigheadzach Would they find it worth it? I thought CoSo outbound link sanitizer removed any last click attribution? If that's the case then brands can't measure effectiveness and probably won't want to use it. At least my employer would never put dollars behind it. Its the data that comes with the click that's super valuable.

@Irmaplotz Could be gotten around with slightly different URLs absent query parameters.

@bigheadzach Hmm...would you be able to link that back to demographics like you can with other social media?

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