Just saw through a presentation from . The focus was on their newest release, Juice Dust, a variant of their flagship Space Dust IPA. Overall thoughts? A great entry to the Space Dust group.
Made with the same hops but with a different malt bill, and with the addition of orange juice, Juice Dust is a true Juicy IPA.
However, we have to ask in our usual questions - does real juice make a Juicy IPA taste better?

@beer I'm just not really a fan of the whole "juicy" style. As with every beer, I can respect the style, but I'll order a lot of other things before I go for a juicy IPA. I'll give it a try though, I love the Space Dust (and I brew an IPA based on its original recipe), and Dank Dust is such an interesting beer and concept.

@PoliticalEd All makes sense! We grew up on West Coast IPAs. After that, we adjusted to Hazy, Brute, Black, and now Cold. All of them had their place. But honestly, when we're not reviewing in isolation, we prefer a solid West Coast any day!

@beer I swear that if my bloodstream gets below about 30 IBUs, bad things happen! 😂

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