
Hiya @th3j35t3r

I have tried to get the link in my profile verified, but it's not working. I've added a <link> tag in the <head> section as well as adding a <a> tag in the body both with the rel="me" attribute, but the link is still not verified. What am I missing?

@bbbourq There's an intermittent glitch with that at the moment, seems to work sometimes, then other times not. It's on my to-fix list. 👍

@th3j35t3r I figured this but didn't want to answer in case wrong, works good with keybase. @bbbourq

@bbbourq @th3j35t3r

@CoSoTips may be able to provide assistance faster than J may have a chance to see this.

I have no idea, personally. I'm not a techie. ☹️

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