@AnnetteTRemain Definitely a Jade, and it's a 'Pearls N Jade' Pothos! I used to have a marble, I'm hoping to get another this year :) There's also a lil baby mandarin orange, lemon ( both grown from seed ), monstera adansonii with a rhaphidophora tetrasperma curling. I have many more!

the cats choose the dog crate as their preferred private lounge space

bat boosted

Suffering is the lot of every creature. It is the impetus behind all progress. If you never suffer you will develop no worthwhile character and will be an undead zombie inflicted upon the world. Don't wallow in self pity, and don't seek suffering, but do accept it as an inescapable and essential aspect of life.

@mcfate I've been ordained for 10 years as of this January :)

@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN I'm not a Zonie, just live somewhere we don't have DST :) Towns all around me do.

@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN now I just get the joy of having to explain to everyone unaware that we are an hour different. love having the same conversation for a week twice a year.

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