a taxonomy of mood music: https://social.horrorhub.club/@stina_marie/112093765057763300
The latest from “Your Local Epidemiologist” Katelyn Jetelina on COVID, flu, norovirus, measles and more including this partisan difference in vaccine uptake. https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.com/p/state-of-affairs-march-12
today's sad tech mood:
"... as [surveillance capitalism moves] into the real world, seizing fresh unexpected chunks of human experience."
"... All that is moist and alive must hand over its facts. There can be no shadow, no darkness. The unknown is intolerable. The solitary is forbidden."
from, Shoshana Zuboff, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, 2019, OA link: <https://archive.org/details/shoshanazubofftheageofsurveillancecapitalism/page/n1/mode/2up>, p 230
Some other-than-hope thinking from Anna Kornbluh, Immediacy, or The style of too-late capitalism (<https://search.worldcat.org/en/title/1371585302>), pp. 18-19:
@kellykba thx. DDG is my primary and has been for years. i am just being a cranky grey-hair about all the AI implementations.
@Museek and i fear that i will be asking about info sources: "is this good enough for AI work?" 😬
@Lizzz Yeah, that was a little judgey on my part.
I am not the droid you are looking for. Also an open access advocate and inveterate punster.