How much USA soil does CHINA own? . ..... I'm not being racist here but China shouldn't be allowed to buy up US farm land.

@MrGoat China has a serious problem with heavily polluted cropland, especially heavy metals. Mostly they're just shoring up their food supply.

I'd be more worried about their extensive spy networks, and the China-funded Confucious Institutes on university campuses.


@Coctaanatis @MrGoat Also Japan, gotta grow rice somewhere and Arkansas works great. Also Saudis, also ... And is Con Agra "American"? Who can tell. Right, good, prolly not. This is really common.

@MrGoat @Coctaanatis for starters. I think they buy water rights too? Haven't personally researched them.

@b4cks4w @MrGoat Presumably. I know the Saudis do. Given ridiculus western water policies they're presumably sucking the aquifers dry like everyone else.

American companies also control millions of acres in foreign countries.

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