Failed to notice that a recent system update stopped the fah service (no wonder it wasn't connecting!). Restarted it.
So now I'm paying attention and see that the gpu isn't getting any work. Another system with same gpu, is.
Make it go!
@b4cks4w maybe it’ll request one if you push the fold button 🤷🏼♀️
@h2oaddicted got it running!
edit /etc/foldingathome/config.xml, tell it:
<gpu value="true"/>
restart the foldingathome.service
Now sees the GPU but not (yet) CUDA or OpenCL. I think I can fix that.
Something in the general system updates must have jostled opencl?
@opie yeah, Manjaro
I posted this last week, but it's for deb based systems, but may help...assuming you can search packages by files...
1) you're running deb-based Linux
2) your GPU is detected, but not enabled
3) you see an error in log saying " not found"
you need to install the ocl-icd-opencl-dev package (it has a couple dozen deps) and restart FAH
the error should be gone now
in FAHControl go to configure -> slots -> add and add a GPU slot
@opie d'oh! so right.
in /var/log/foldingathome/log.txt
ERROR:WU02:FS01:Failed to start core: OpenCL device matching slot 1 not found, make sure the OpenCL driver is installed or try setting 'opencl-index' manually
driver is installed. Wonder what opencl-index is...
you may be able to get around that just by removing and re-adding the GPU slot...the default index is -1 which uses whatever index FAH detects at startup...
@opie one Windows 10, one linux. similar hardware
@b4cks4w not sure. Mine was weird after some updates That required a restart. Running really slow. Did another restart on the computer and it fixed it. I’ve got 4 CPUs working
@h2oaddicted Looks like I'm going to have to RTFM over at reboot and reinstalling drivers didn't help.😞
But it worked once so I know it can work again. Just a thing.
@b4cks4w manual reading.... ew
are you on a linux system?