I know we can do better!
For the first five people to donate to CoSo on Donorbox (link below) and reply here, I will donate an additional $5 for each one.
I'm not wealthy or anything, but we have GOT to keep this place going.
^ 2 more chances to make me add an additional $5 to CoSo after your donation.
^ see my top post. I think I have two slots left.
So if you haven’t yet donated to CoSo this month, do so at the link above and reply to me so that I can add a fiver to it!
@peeppeepcircus Love that you're doing this! (I donated, but anonymously, so I could leave the spot for another matchee. I dunno, it made sense in my head 🤪)
@peeppeepcircus Yeah -- I don't need encouragement to pitch in; I just needed the link 😃 . Hoping your wonderful generosity gets another CoSonaut chipping in!
@agunn 🙏 💖
@agunn yay! and are you saying you don't want to take the +5 spot and leave it for someone else?