Hey #Seattle CoSonauts: This elegant young lady arrived on my porch tonight, greeted me like a conquering heroine, and now screams piteously when I try to go in. Her humans -- and I assume she has them -- didn't collar or apparently chip. The molly is terrified (rightfully so, as the raccoons are rampant), and I can't bring her in (THOUGH GOD KNOWS SHE KEEPS TRYING) because the elegant tom inside is FIV-positive. Ideas? Am I sitting outside with a molly tonight? #cat #justcatthings #help
@Tattoomonkey29 Alas, the gentleman-in-residence was having none of that, and he has some medical issues that would endanger them both besides. For now I made her a safe area outside and I keep checking on her. Not ideal but it's what I can do...