
Every day since Elon announced his $8 bullshit he’s given me more and more reasons to be excited to not give his bitch ass $8.

@adamparkhomenko I wouldn't give him $8 if his ass was on fire and fire extinguishers cost $8.

@adamparkhomenko that's OK, goober pea from BFE, Arkansas paid his 8 bucks, he's American Airlines now

@adamparkhomenko there are so many other things you could do with $8 that spark more joy than giving a megalomaniac narcassist money. Buy toilet paper. Buy tampons. Buy a soap suds enema and self administer it. Live big. I'm with you, not that I ever had a checkmark. 😂

@FemmeBossB @adamparkhomenko Buy a homeless person a decent sit down meal in a diner and enjoy their company. It's a better use of your time and money.

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