friends, I'm out.
that was fun. hope I didn't sweat on anybody too much

shorter kornacki:
please let me just go home

I have seen zero official race calls.

I just know that Wasserman tends to be accurate and outruns the decision desks a little

we're not done, but we're damn close

thank you friends

_audible exhale_
let's make it official, apnews

Needle just came back *quite* strong for Warnock

I lived in Atlanta 2020-2021.
Those of you surprised by the closeness should... go there.

It's a city and state of CONTRASTS.

I am a slave to the NYT Needle and am so sorry.

79% chance of a Warnock win

Dave Wasserman is feeling pretty blue as well.


needle keeps turning bluer and I am proud.

reminder that in November, GA had a libertarian candidate who ended ~2pts.

interesting to see where that 2pts moves too countywise.

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