Doing stretches in bed in an attempt to lessen the pain, I think when I'm very stressed my body acts like a spring and tightens up. So I've been stretching carefully my back and shoulders / arms. I wish there were guides about this, cause I'm pretty much just guessing based on my normal stretches from the gym
@ceorl I think I'm doing it correct, I'm not ventured to extreme pain only to like that satisfying feeling when it feels like you eased up some space?
Sounds like you are doing it sensibly. And yes I have often heard of it as "making space".
The discomfort zone is basically territory of mobility which you can reclaim.
I always feel compelled to first share how not to injure yourself ;)
You might want to do some searches for "morning stretch" or "bed stretch".
I think you will find lots of tutorials, and you can choose which best suits your needs. ;)
I do the same. Sometimes I even put a heating pad on the sorest bits to get them to start loosening.
A general guide for stretching, and I suppose many things, is that going to the point of discomfort is good. That helps you gradually move where your "edge" is a little bit each day.
Going to the point of sharp or strong pain means stop and pull back. That risks injury, which can knock you out of your routine for days or weeks.