I went to sleep with my Peter Gabriel T-shirt on...
...and woke up In Your Eyes
...and woke up Close to the Edge
I fell asleep with my Yes t-shirt on...
...and woke up on the Roundabout.
"It's Gods will" = "It's not my fault"
@YouInMyEye @Bix
He gave us Donald Trump, right?
@YouInMyEye @Bix
Then he does not bargain in good faith.
that is like an American Civil War in 2 years
I really dislike that guy. He is so convinced of his own brilliance he will say misleading things just to confuse his viewers.
@Vikky As I understand things, all the people involved were selling crap to the rubes and got into a fight over the right to sell from the best spot or somesuch idiocy.
Real scandals or astroturf scandals?
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