Well, the outdoor temperature sensor on my little weather station's gone nuts, it's telling me it's almost 80ΒΊ out when it's just over sixty.
Happily, this much nicer one is on sale right now, for less than I paid for the one it'll replace.
Unlike my current one, this one has a color display, accesses WWVB for accurate time and date information, and has humidity sensors.
I live in an interesting location. It is much better for me to have local (at my house) temps to refer to. The "official" temperature is at Bush Airport which is 40 miles away.
But since I am closer to the Gulf of Mexico than I am to that airport, the temps at my house can be 5 - 10 degrees different from the "official" temperature due to the moderating effect of the Gulf. On any given day it is likely to be only 2 or 3 degrees of difference. But it is almost always different.
@mcfate LOL
I live in flatland and tend to forget things like elevation.
Nah, I'm up on top of a ridge, the weather station is much lower in altitude.