@sentientdessert I got laid off twice on my birthday -- once on my 50th, then two years later on my 52nd. Pretty sure it was age discrimination but couldn't prove it.
@sentientdessert The COO ended the company's pension plan. He had to pay those of us who had participated, but he was looking for any excuse to drive out those who were vested so he wouldn't have to pay us for our remaining years. It was awfully conspicuous that these layoffs would have been effective on my 50th and 52nd birthdays.
The first time, I found another job in the company. The second time, I left because the place was miserable. I took the unemployment.
@WordsmithFL That is horrible... there is a private hell for people who do that kinda stuff.
I hope you're doing okay where you are now.
@sentientdessert When I reached age 55 and wanted to draw down on my pension plan, they tried to talk me out of it. Rotten to the core.
@WordsmithFL I'm sorry that happened. Companies don't grasp that experienced workers may cost more, but you need fewer of them...