From : Judge Merchan denies another mistrial request by legal team, says they failed to object to testimony that they now want to cite as reason for mistrial.

From :


"The more specificity Ms. Daniels can provide about the encounter, the more the jury can weigh whether the encounter did occur and if so whether they choose to credit Ms. Daniels’ story," Merchan says.

There were "many times Ms. Necheles could have objected but didn't," the judge says.

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just exited the court and attacked Judge Merchan again. The same nonsense about "totally corrupt" and "conflicted." He keeps repeating himself, nothing new, nothing true.

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Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass says there were "very salacious details" that were purposely omitted from Stormy Daniels' account, saying he's willing to make a sealed filing with those details if necessary.

Steinglass says the prosecution specifically chose not to ask questions in a way that would elicit some of those details, so as not to embarrass .


Also from :


Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass confirms Karen McDougal — the model and actress who has said she was also paid to keep quiet about an affair with Trump — will not be called to take the stand.

Ha! Trump's attorney asked for the gag order to be modified so Trump can respond via the press and Truth Social to Stormy Daniels' testimony -- but he can do that by taking the stand in front of the jury.

Which, of course, he won't do. Coward.

The judge said no.

@WordsmithFL Gag order violations are not just political theater. In every court case there have been threats against judges, prosecutors, and witnesseses. A would be assassin was shot and killed by the FBI. Does every person involved in every case in any way need 24x7 bodyguards?

The Rachel Maddow Show: Trump, GOP attacks on courts, prosecutors is actively damaging U.S. rule of law via @PodcastAddict

@walterbays He complained again today outside the courthouse that he couldn't attack the witnesses.

attorneys asked the judge to put a gag order on Michael Cohen, who may testify on Monday. Merchan asked the prosecutors to remind Cohen not to say anything but also said witnesses are not on trial so he can't put a gag on them.

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