To add to what @MrGoat said, note that unpinning a tag is like throwing it away: it will be all gone forever when you unpin it.
Once you pin, add to, & move it around, it will be remembered on the server. Once you delete, it's forgotten completely.
@FernLovebond @MrGoat Thanks both, i actually had a few where i clicked "pin" but after a refresh it was gone :/ thought i did something wrong there.
Mm, I'd bet there was a server-side hang when you clicked, so it wasn't stored. The servers have been straining lately, so the intermittent outages have left some things a bit hit-or-miss.
(Just try uploading an .mp4 or .webp now & then, hee hee.)
@Windsinger You just click a hashtag and pin in with the 3 sliders menu.
You can add multiple hashes to one pin.