
Made myself a clay woman to indulge my cannibalistic tendencies


The glaze and firing effect are very interesting. Wonderful work for being your first piece!

Those are actually a result of mistakes I made during the glazing.
I’m taking it back next weekend to re-glaze the whole thing. I meant it to be of a uniform color, those bronze looking patches are where the glazing was too thin :)

@Vonzales I don’t know about the clay woman and cannibalism… but that plate and plating is very cool. 😎🍽

Thank you :)

As for cannibalism. I never eat them without leaving some for next time 🤭

@Vonzales aha - took me a minute - I finally see the “woman”.
If this is the result, I encourage you to explore randomness and the beauty of imperfection even further. It’s a great piece.

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