@QueenOfEverything There is a longstanding understanding that military personnel are not to engage in partisan political
activities and all military personnel will avoid the inference that their political activities imply
or appear to imply DoD sponsorship, approval or endorsement of a political candidate, campaign or cause.. As such. when they do make such endorsement it is going against such recommendations.
Yes, I agree with this. I think the religious leaders and churches are deep into politics... but wrap themselves in the cloak of "observer" for appearances... only there to start things off with a blessing.
Yes, my dad was a jet fighter pilot ,30 years in the Marine Corps. He never talked about politics, always voted Republican.
But he would never have voted for Trump. He would have considered him a disgrace.
I understand the "code" but in trump's case- it's not just "opinion"- they had 4 years of experience with him & he's definitely a threat to our country.
If they are going to make the endorsement.. they should have been willing to do it earlier when it would have more influence.
@QueenOfEverything This not so different than religious leaders, churches, and religious entities that get tax exempt status and make the decision to endorse a political candidate.