Good morning, #CoSo! We've got a brand new week to make ours! What are your goals this week? I have some small things to do, but then I #amwriting on my carnival horror novella!
@Weatherbeard That's fabulous! Have you tried out World Anvil for campaigns? I love the concept for my writing, but found it a bit overwhelming.
@VenessaG A hot while back I helped a Discord Server that had a Westmarches style of gameplay that I used World Anvil for.
I might eventually get around to setting one up for my campaigns should I ever wish to publish them as 'campaign settings' or some such.
It's a very nice way to lay things out!
Here's my current Obsidian vault.
@Weatherbeard That looks very cool! I'm not a visual person in that way, so mind maps don't work as well for me as they do for lots of others. Kinda wish they did. lol
@VenessaG I'm actively working on planning for my current #DnD campaign, and also writing out bits for the next campaign that I revealed to my players.
Thankful for the Obsidian app I use for all my thoughts and notes on things!