How To Explain Socialism Clearly In a Way That Actually Persuades People
“ Socialism is a society whose top priority is meeting all of its people’s needs, ranging from food, shelter, and health care, to art, culture, and companionship. In contrast, capitalism only cares about any of that basic human necessities stuff to the extent that money can be made of it.” Danny Katch
#CoSoBooks #Socialism
@heatherdale I love this explanation.
Socialism is more of a mission - taking care of everyone - than a particular set of policies.
@AskTheDevil @heatherdale Not only a mission (not saying it isn´t), it´s also a set of policies that can variate depending on what view of socialism one´s talking about. The mission can´t be accomplished without certain policies.
@Uselessdogs @heatherdale I hesitate to dictate what policies forever must be considered integral. Can you give me an example?
And taxation can be managed in many ways. Here we have problems with that. It would be long and complex to explain but the risk is that private production can end producing only to support state. One might think that´s good, others don´t.
@AskTheDevil Oh yes. This happens when state starts growing more and more in order to mantain the welfare state. This means it needs funds to go on, and the only way it finds them is taxation on private companies AND workers. So here we are in Spain, being suffocated with taxes.
@AskTheDevil That´s for sure. Long story. Just wanted to express that socialism is not only the idea, it´s the policies, and moreover, it´s State, helluva State. One can like that or not.. Very nice to have these converstaion. Would love to go on, but now I have to produce for state😂 . Will be back.
@Uselessdogs Sounds like someone's not doing it right, or someone's not playing fair.