Going to struggle to get up to -2C here today. Glad the wind isn't blowing very hard. Coffee already in hand. Note the extra blankets too. Guaranteed to be used today.
#caffeineclub https://counter.social/media/MBDoYe5p5zTmgZ_FCmg
@Urbankidx4 Enjoy the day - we're at -20C before wind chill which is about -30C right now.
@Anemone yikes! Stay safe. Don't be this guy. 😉
#FlashFrozen https://counter.social/media/0Lkw2oxFGx2egNHYHLk
Fallout from this post:
Son: Why did you write -2C?
Me: shit.
Son: I assumed you meant Fahrenheit. -2C isn't really a that cold for here. I didn't think to mention it until today.
Me: ...