So it’s cover’s you want
Ok a little Wall of Voodoo doing Ring of Fire. Cause why not?
I adopted a dog about 3 months ago (it's my first doggo). His back area is super soft now. Is this a health issue or maybe just fat from weight gain (hes not overweight)? #dogsofcoso
Just spent a lot of time trying to track down a post and giving up for the evening. Let's see if someone can help. The post was a song someone was listening to, perhaps #CoSoMusic. The band name was something with "Dad" or "Father" and the image was of three guys. That's all I got. A prize to the ninja who can figure this out.
Ziggy cracked me up last night. Guess he has a new bedtime routine. We did our last trip of the evening outside so he could do his “business” then a treat. All normal next thing I know I find him jammed under the coffee table with his head in my slipper sound asleep. #DogsofCoSo
CounterSocial's lack of algorithm means that it is ON YOU to curate your experience here.
Create CUSTOM COLUMNS to follow the hashtags you like, and set up FILTERS to omit the things you would prefer not to see. Mute and/or block disagreeable accounts without drama, and without hesitation.
It isn't automatic, but done right, it is a deeply fulfilling experience. To learn more about these features and more, check out the user guide at #CoSoTips
Dogs present and past are all here for #TongueOutTuesday. Ziggy as a puppy, Marley and Boomer all presenting required 👅 #DogsofCoSo
Hi, I’m Kim. I just realized that I never did an introduction! I’m originally from SoCal & moved to NH 19 yrs ago. Yes that’s a picture of me with Biden. I met him 3 times during the presidential election in 2016. I was lucky enough to meet almost all of the candidates, I was actually for Warren & I met her 3 times as well. I’ve been a photographer for over 22 yrs. I go out each weekend with my BF to look for wildlife or great scenery. I hope to connect w like minded people & make new friends.
Ziggy can sniff a slice of pizza a mile away. Heck he’ll eat it with mango slices #DogsofCoSo don’t have time for #pizzawar.
Found surprising good pizza while traveling in Colombia 🇨🇴 first I thought maybe it just the first place we tried but every place it was good. Little known #pizzawar facts.
Even our local power company is preparing their customers to start getting information on power outages elsewhere.
MySpace>Facebook> Twitter>CS…..I’m just a social media traveler 🧳