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It’s like if a DeLorean got the dry heaves.

I saw my first Cybertruck in the wild today. It was even uglier than I expected it to be, and I expected it to be really, really ugly.

As an American new to the art of making and drinking tea, I wanted to ask if I should be putting the Nestlé Quick in after I microwave it or before?

I've never heard the phrase "morning ablutions" as much as I have since I started reading fantasy novels.

Quick Twitch "Favorite Moments" story, years ago I was watching my favorite streamer who'd been trying to make Partner for a long, long time.

On his April Fool's Day stream he was "announcing" he'd signed up to switch his show to Hulu Streaming instead, and live on stream he got the email he'd made Twitch Partner and none of us believed him because it was April Fool's. Good times.

What I've learned about England from watching "Downton Abbey" so far: The weather there is always gorgeous.

This is your friendly "Inspired by Real Life" reminder to wash your hands BEFORE taking a bathroom break when handling jalapeños, not just AFTER.

My wife and I have a series of text exchanges we label as “I swear I am not having a stroke”.

I've recently realized I get a "venting buddy" at every company I'm at where we just bitch about whatever is bothering us job-wise. On one hand that feels disloyal, but on the other hand GOOD LORD you just need to complain sometimes with someone who understands what you're talking about without having to explain a million things!

Love means taking the weird-shaped ice chunk so your spouse doesn't have to because you know it gives them the ick.

Salt’N’Peppa definitely misled Young Jeff about how often we’d pause for a breakdown. Now I’m never gonna get it.

Meeting chat just after a coworker said he was trying to down a dead tree in his yard and it fell on him.

12 years later, I STILL don't get him. I haven't seen a lot of his films, I admit, but that's because they all seem the same. Every time I'm like, "Didn't I already watch this one?"

It's coming up on Annual Review Season. What's a piece of feedback you've gotten in the past that you still remember today, good or bad?

For me it was "When you think an idea is stupid, it's very obvious on your face and that can be off-putting."

I don't think our Project Manager understands what "Put your notes in the computer" means ...

One of my greatest regrets in life is looking back at how many times as a kid I listened to "Lucille" by Kenny Rogers trying to figure out if it was "four HUNGRY children" or "four HUNDRED children". Plus additional hours in bed and in showers wondering how it would be possible to have four hundred children. Did they run an orphanage? A labour camp?

I want to go back in time and reassure Little Me and say "It's ok, buddy, you're just dumb."

I finally saw “The Marvels” and I found it fun, lighthearted and entertaining. Still sort of mid-tier for me in terms of the overall MCU but still quite enjoyable. Kamala was the real hero of that movie, every scene she was in was a joy.

It’s a lot more fun once you realize the whole movie is basically a fanfic Kamala wrote, much like the opening credits.

Did the bbq catch on fire? Yes. Were the resulting crispy edges on the burgers delicious? Also yes.

Also as a bonus I learned calmly saying "Bit of a fire situation out here" is a good way to alert your partner to ongoing delightful culinary processes without panicking them. Too much.

You don't hate , you hate your WordPress theme.

That's a blog post idea that came to me this morning. I'm not sure what all it would involve but I like the sound of it.

I wrote a joke this morning:

"I think the dictionary entry for narcissist is wrong because it doesn't mention me once."

Any good?

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Jeff Hebert

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