@uskiwi far right column it says coso Pro click that
@AFinLA it works
@Dogofalltrees dogs are funny that way. They sense you’re hurting 4 years ago I got up close and personal with a deer while riding my Harley. 3 years and 6 surgeries later they finally put my ankle and foot back together. During that time our last dog, Boomer, was still alive. I swear that dog would spend most of the day with his head on my leg. Bet I have a dozen photos all pretty much the same as the one below. Rest up and take your meds.
Don’t let that toe derail you. rip#trainpunwars
@BonnieblueBlue #pigsofCoSo eh? I’m going to need a bigger couch.
@Dogofalltrees ouch! Feet up. Pet dog. Repeat.
@rwells2265 I see that now.. Hey no need to explain what happens with all those little bottles of lotion. I’m good 🤣🤣
@KittsMotto yeah I saw that. I think it was on YouTube
@h2oaddicted bogey at 12 o’clock coming in hot
@DevonEllington you need to do a slight edit before up loading. Has something to do with stripping data from your pictures so CoSo can’t track you. It’s a good feature. One I get off my phone I’ll see if I can shoot you a link to the user guide
@MJay try the search feature using @yourfiends name or search hashtags of shared interest.
@Johny_Anonny I’m going to jump in here in case someone has an answer. I haven’t figured it out either.
@Katydiddance that’s the holiday spirit! Come hell or high water the bird will be done your way. Yes we raised 3 boys so it wasn’t until they all started their own lives and traditions that we could downsize the turkey.
@Katydiddance the only way to cook a turkey 🦃 photo from a couple years ago. Wish I’d known how to do this earlier in life.
@Cannonhawk here’s a good place to start
Or do you have a specific problem?
@effythewild Salem is locked in on your every move just then. Those eyes…..good looking pup.
@ItsjustJules yeah Jules I’m with you on that. Seems like a lot of us wish we’d found this place sooner. I was a big time lurker at first. It seemed strange like everyone knew everyone else. I was slow to figure out that’s what social media was meant to be.
CounterSocial's lack of algorithm means that it is ON YOU to curate your experience here.
Create CUSTOM COLUMNS to follow the hashtags you like, and set up FILTERS to omit the things you would prefer not to see. Mute and/or block disagreeable accounts without drama, and without hesitation.
It isn't automatic, but done right, it is a deeply fulfilling experience. To learn more about these features and more, check out the user guide at https://help.counter.social #CoSoTips
@WaevetSmaevets my wife used Ancestry and has been pleased with the results.
@Priestess it is now. I think it’s just posting.
MySpace>Facebook> Twitter>CS…..I’m just a social media traveler 🧳