@TwiHusband The interesting idea of the rapture is that they LEAVE a devastated world. Their book says otherwise. It does say they rise to meet their master, but then they come back here. I wish more of them believed it. Wrecking this world isn't in their best interest either, even if they are correct!
@jasod Ah, but that's the point of the Rapture. Jesus will clean up their mess like their mom picking up their skid-marked skivvies.They really DO see themselves as the CHILDREN of god. So they behave like spoiled self-entitled children.
@TwiHusband I grew up believing it. Here is a solid relay of the road I traveled as my faith in such things unraveled:
Mine was much more informed by Catholicism, which has never had a rapture, btw.
@jasod Southern Baptist here. I was done with Jesus in Junior High. I could never get past the fact the "god" murdered an entire planet, save one family, in a fit of pique. Or that he killed an entire generation of children in Egypt, instead of the one adult male asshole who was the problem.
@TwiHusband My g'pa was on the committee that helped spawn the original Baptist Faith & Message. I feel your roots. It took me much longer to get past being so afraid that I could actually think. The last of all of it fell away in my late 30s - early 40s.
@jasod Myn mother spurred me on. Serious mental illness there, with Jesus on top. I started locking my bedroom door at night when I was 14, so she couldn't try to "beat the devil out of me" whenever a fit took her. She believed that she could hold literal give and take conversations with her "god".