@TraumaNerd You’re not alone. 👋🏻
@princesscarolyn @FeistyChristina You are amazing!! Thank you! I want to follow people whose posts will make me smile or think, ya know! Good people! I’m following you both!!!!!
@princesscarolyn @FeistyChristina how are you two so sweet!!??
@TraumaNerd @FeistyChristina Practice 😂
@TraumaNerd @princesscarolyn Thank you! Glad you are here.
@FeistyChristina @princesscarolyn I can’t always tell which replies I’ve responded to, and I lose track. I just must tell you both again, thank you!
@TraumaNerd @FeistyChristina You're welcome, chica! Pull up a chair! ☺️
@TraumaNerd @FeistyChristina 😘 Reach out whenever you need a friend or just want to chat. You're among friends here 😊