Gavin Newsom is working to "Trump-proof" California against a second Trump presidency. Every blue state governor should be doing this.
What baffles me and what makes me think something's fishy is where did 10 - 20 million voters go? I find it hard to believe they just didn't vote. #Politics
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
― Sun tzu, The Art of War
For all y'all participating in that blue bracelet trend. Please buy from and support POC women. I can't stress this enough. If you're going to be an ally. Actually Support the people who you are signaling your support for. Judgment and social shame isn't the oppression flex you think it is. You need to do more for these targeted communities, and you can. And for those who are opting for the blue heart tattoo. You're awesome
All people are people
6 countries with temporary residence visas for U.S. citizens. Portugal sounds nice .
Turn your despair inside out like you turn out a pocket. Summon up your furious, righteous anger and use that energy to fight! Fight fascism wherever you see it. Oppose it in every way. Forget about what is beyond our power and fight that shit on a granular level: incident by incident. Tell yourself: not in my back yard. Not to me, not to my neighbors. Tell your foes, "Not while I'm watching" Remember the world is covered with rocks you can throw. POCKET SAND. Do something.
40 ways to fight fascists
A doorbell for fish
Another way is possible: dream a new dream! Married, retired, 3 adult kids. Lifelong Democrat. Trekkie, PC Gamer, PC technician, BDSM top, dog lover. (No DMs)