@LnzyHou I actually don't wanna think about that lol. I paid 80 for this belt lol
@LnzyHou I'll prob trim it down as needed. It's a groove life belt and they weren't lying that it lasts. I've had it 3 years now and minus a couple scratches it's definitely not breaking anytime soon
Impressive - you’re getting this done!
@ATXJane leaving previous job was best thing for me. It really was. I realized me, I have to have a set schedule or things don't get done. So I'm up at 5 (generally) at gym by 515 (I'm literally 3 min away) do my hr workout, shower , get coffee and a little bite to eat somewhere (only fast food intake I have is breakfast) or I'll have a meal replacement bar then off to work by 715
@ATXJane before ya couldn't get me out of bed before noon unless I had to work in the am
You’re gonna need a new belt pretty soon,