So I am just starting a random conversation because I'm in a chatty mood and I'm hoping that people respond. So everyone knows I just recently bought a Pixel tablet (I love it btw, you can checkout my review on my website!) it got me thinking w/ the emergance of folding phones & bigger phones (again) in general. How many of you still use your tablets (if you own one) and what was the deciding Factor for the one that you had chose? Also, if you have a folding phone do you still use your tablet?

@Timmah1979 I had been using tablets for anything non-work-related for some years. After Samsung ticked me off one time too many, I switched to a Chrome Tablet, which I liked quite a lot.

But pretty quickly, I kept realizing all the cool things it could do, running android apps, chrome apps, linux apps were basically stuffing real computer functionality into something awkward and underpowered.

All the things I liked about it, I could get from a regular laptop with a touch screen.

@Timmah1979 I'm now using a Dell Lenovo laptop from 2018 that I got cheap. It's a tiny bit bigger than the Chromebook, and more powerful and flexible. And it was waaaaaaay cheaper.

I fired up the old Chromebook the other day to see if I could repurpose it, and it ran a bunch of updates.

It's now _painfully_ slow. So much for that "It will get updates for 10 years" selling point. The updates have made it nearly unusable.


@AskTheDevil I'd think 10 is unreasonable no matter who. Tech changes too fast. The pixel
Was guaranteed 5 years of updates. Three years of major updates . I think they learned the error of their ways lol. 5 sounds a lot more reasonable. But I'll prob end up changing to a new one but 2028 anyways

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