Ok all got a question for y'all. You all know I do photography part time. Trying to take it next level so I can quit my day job. I got this email wanting to Collab. It's legit . But I question the catch because they found me and think I'd be a good fit YET they don't follow me in insta. What would you all do because I don't exactly see how this benefits me.

@Timmah1979 They usually want you to work in exchange for product (and posting it on your socials). It's common for fashion brands.

@Timmah1979 Oh, that's horrible. Glad you researched before engaging.


@phase2 the more momentum I get seems like more gets in my way 😂

@Timmah1979 take it as a sign you're going in the right direction. The more successful you are in that industry, the more you'll attract such types.

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