Figured it was time to start getting customed to the fact I have to start looking my age and I'm not 24 anymore (my barber of all people gave me a not so subtle reminder I'm well as my primary Dr, my eye glass Dr and my boss 🤣) so here's the new look.
@Shadow298 well personality wise I'm still in my 20s. It hasn't been til these last 2/3 years my body has been telling me otherwise. I've been going grey since like 28 (very very minimal only has a few streaks) then I hit 41 and it accelerated to point where I couldn't hide it unless I colored it . I've spent more time at Drs than I have first half of my life. Oh and I'm a lot crankier too 🤣🤣
@Timmah1979 most people I know assume I'm in my late 20s/early 30s because I don't age much. Even people who've known me 20+ years occasionally think it
I'm 43.