1 of 2 - Okay, listen up. I need to explain a few things regarding 'setting your own price' for COSO PRO. Hear me out. Reasons why this is a). impossible and b) a bad idea.

1). I am bound by the constraints of our payment processor & need to set a price for a service/product.

2). "I paid 10 bucks last month, can I only pay zero bucks this month?"

3). "I'll pay 10 bucks but the extra 5 is for this <other person>"

4). Absolute chaos. Some folks can't figure it out when it's this simple.


^^^ Continued >>>

I try to keep the PRO subscription as low as possible and it hasn't been raised since we started out.

Think of me as your bartender, if your drink is $5 bucks, that's what I can legally charge you for it.

However if you want to tip me, that's cool and appreciated too, and you can do that here >>>



@th3j35t3r We appreciate you more than you will ever know. ♥️

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