If anyone wants a #recovery option besides AA, both #Lifering and #SMARTRecovery offer non-relgious alternatives. Each program offers online and in-person meetings. #RecoveryIsWorthIt
@Tattoomonkey29 Thank you for posting this. I think AA Freethinkers, as it now gets called, offers a terrific alternative, too. So does recovery dharma. I did not have links to a website with meeting schedule for either of those at the time of this post. I do hope to add to this hashtag to keep the information out there for folks looking for a way to get and stay sober. #RecoveryIsWorthIt
@TheMultiCareerGirl 😎 thanks for doing this, I resent how much religious influence has cost lives my experience is that when I see people get sober with an external "god" it's that they've been "blessed" so good things are rewards from "god" rather than a byproduct of doing the right thing for the right reasons and doing the hard work to change, when something "bad" aka life on life's terms happens they feel they are unworthy and being punished for some failing.