@Alfred Draw me a Kobald girl holding a mace, green skin

@Alfred Full body photo of Linny Hill, curly Black hair with red highlights

@Alfred Full body 3D render of Linny Hill, curly Black hair with red highlights, Bronze Age Fantasy

@Alfred Draw a Medium three quarter profile shot of Linny Hill, Black hair with red highlights, Bronze Age Fantasy

@Alfred Draw Haley Pham, Vietnamese woman with long black hair with red highlights

@KAnicholls You are understanding the world all wrong. The biggest source of pollution out there, is the 1% with their super yachts running on Class F oil -- the dirtiest oil in existence. And there is a bunch of boats out there that can pick up the super yacht and transport it. All 8 billion of us can be vegetarians - pollution and climate change stays the same.

@Beanc Bathing a puppy would be super easy. Now, try bathing a Maine Coone cat with a 100 dB demonic cry for help, and her mother trying to break down the bathroom door.

No, you idiot CBC writer, the classic and Barbie doll was not created for the male gaze, it is simply the outcome of a mold that can create the dolls really fast on an assembly line. Again, this movie is over-analysed, just stick with the sillier parts of movie and enjoy

@stevep44 and Gods, was a safety net in primitive humans, jumping at every single shadow in a cave and in a tree line. Then it become a safety net so the slaves not to murder their owners. Modern day, it is a safety net and a weapon of choice to prevent overthrow.

I am writing a web comic that will become an animated series called "Green Glow"
Meet my Leading Ladies, left to right: Athena, Nyck, Dini, Rina and Koda

Just a human touch, a sense of longing and comforting someone in distress, it is not a crazy alien concept that he got an erection. Its quite normal and pretty logical

Hello again fellow ! Getting the hang of CoSo. My name is Dylan Mooi and I create 3D renders, my story is called "Green Glow" focused on Nyck, Rina, Koda, Athena and Dini. Open for Commissions, Art Trades and Collaboration

Hello fellow ! My name is Dylan Mooi and I create 3D renders, my story is called "Green Glow" focused on Nyck, Rina, Koda, Athena and Dini. Open for Commissions, Art Trades and Collaboration

Dylan Mooi

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