If you have to "edit" your hair care product by adding something to it, you're not just admitting you didn't like the hair care product, you're also messing with the formulation of that product so it no longer works as it was intended.

It's worth it to find a formulation that actually works well for you, otherwise, you waste your money twice. Once by using a formula that doesn't work for you, and once again by editing it to make it not work as designed.


Wow... Is this a thing now?

I have a pretty good organic chemistry background. Maybe that's why I'm going bald.

I dunno...


@countZZero It's typically done with stuff from the kitchen. Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Avocado, Mayonnaise, Caster Oil, honey...

I've seen people make smoothies and just smack it on their hair... like...

I'm all about trusting the cosmetic chemists that formulated the product in the first place. It may or may not be a good product, but nothing from the fridge will make it better

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