I put the question out, but no replies yet. Everyone is quiet tonight, even normally busy communications routes. I'll keep checking, and let you know when I hear something.
In the meantime:
@OldCountryDoctor @TeelaResists @DrBashir2022
Do you guys know why Aunt Crabby has been silent this month? No tweets since Jan 4, no posts on CoSo since the 8th.
I figured if you don't know why, you'd at least like to know she's gone silent. Hope she's okay! 😳
@p3R1n01D @Eulimnadia @TeelaResists @DrBashir2022
I haven’t seen Aunt Crabby either. I do indeed hope she’s okay!
@OldCountryDoctor @p3R1n01D @Eulimnadia @TeelaResists @DrBashir2022
Have t seen Aunt Crabby in weeks. I’m concerned too.
@DrBashir2022 @LnzyHou @OldCountryDoctor @p3R1n01D @Eulimnadia @AuntCrabby
she and a few other friended me when i began on social media when i didn't know how to handle my trump election anger. i was pretty snarky back then - i think that's the reason i loved her so much. she taught me how to calm my afro wearing stinking attitude angela davis down,
may she rest peacefully & take joy up there that the orange evil will someday fizzle why below in the eternal fire
@TeelaResists @LnzyHou @OldCountryDoctor @p3R1n01D @Eulimnadia @AuntCrabby
She truly was a dear aunty to so many of us from the get go. She joined me in warding off the trolls and provided us all with a lot of humor to sustain our spirits.
You just know she and #RBG are cheering us on and rooting for us to prevail!