Years ago, I watched as my political science teacher dropped our textbook containing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution into the garbage can in front of me.

Before she dropped it, she said “this is what will happen if Trump gets in”.

Her words haunt me to this day.

/we have to save this country by voting to keep that orange eff out. I don’t want to hear anymore about Biden and that damn debate. Or replacing him or some such bs.


@Redskye572 and

thing is, it’s not just the man trump anymore.
He’s not the one pulling the strings, or thinking strategically. He’s the train wreck we can’t stop watching while the damage is done by people who we don’t even know the names of.
We’re in this mess for the long haul. May Karma be swift and just to all who have sold their souls, lost their moral compass, and know nothing but hate and retribution.

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