Impeachment for corruption in a federal judge or justice is rare. Only 15 judges have been impeached by the House; of those, eight were removed, four acquitted, and three resigned. Among those acquitted was the only Supreme Court justice ever to be impeached, way back in 1804.

I can guarantee that no conservative SCOTUS justice will be removed by the current Senate, even if he were found actively picking someone's pocket or committing assault.

The usual way criminal judges have been dealt with is not impeachment but shame: encouraging them to resign office before they have to face public scorn and contempt.

This however no longer functions when the judges have no shame and none of the people around them have shame, when public respect is not a thing that anyone values.


Then the Supremes need to be threatened as was Justice Kennedy by TFG when TFG was caught on camera whispering in JK’s ear about JK’s son’s involvement in TFG’s dealings with Deutche Bank.
Fire with fire.
Ask forgiveness not permission.
This election is it.

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