Morning walkies with Sachiko and Toshirō

SO MANY MOSQUITOS! I felt like I was being eaten alive this morning. I had mosquitos flying into my nose, eyes, and ears so that it felt like I was coughing up bugs

The pups were a little annoyed by the swarms of gnats and mosquitoes. I'll need to start spraying us with citronella and lemongrass before our twice-daily walkies now.


Photos are beautiful. Please crop slightly before posting.

@LnzyHou I was hoping that CoSo has the same EXIF data support (photo orientation as Portrait and Landscape) and auto-cropping of massive pictures that other Mastodon instances do.

My Sony, Canon, and Nikon take pictures at 48Mp to 128Mp. Other Mastodon instances re-scale and orient automatically on upload.


@LnzyHou Noted, and thanks. 😆

Once upon a time, I thought it was. I thought CoSo was built on the Mastodon framework and open source, but highly tailored, specialized, and later broken from the Fediverse to disallow content federation and the need for vigilant moderation that accompanies it?

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