's comeback has been ... less than exciting for me. The teaser for is ... too tiny to get a feel for but there is so much hype over it being produced by Black Eyed Pilseung who is famous for a bunch of epicness.

I dunno ... I become less and less interested in Kpop groups the more English they spout and ITZY is pushing hard on English songs. I really don't care for Kpop once it's in English ... then it simply becomes tepid pop


Cake is like the bubble gum pop from the late 80's/early 90's. I'm not sure if they are trying to emulate BPs Ice Cream with Selena but just from the snippets I've heard of Cake, it really sounds cheesy.

I don't understand Korean at all, but I love Kpop and I somewhat agree. Too much English in the song ruins it. Well, I do really like Rose's "on the ground" and "gone". But that may actually be the exception... and both of those could definitely be... POP

@Tarqueth Rose was born and raised in New Zealand and is bilingual so she can speak English all she wants and I don't find that strange.

I'm speaking mainly of the push in KEnt to get all the idols to speak English because there is still this obsession with "making it" overseas like BTS or NCT or whatever. BTS was much more interesting and their music was better before they became what they are now - even they think so.

But a lot of Kpop goes retro or city pop feel with summer releases.

Well to be fair, most Kpop groups have members from other countries. However, most countries do push students to learn English. So for many of the idols, they already knew a bit of it. I do get what you mean with Rose though.

Of course they are going to all try hard to appeal to Westerners, their companies are trying to make the money. With that said, I hope groups don't lose their sound just to try an appease us. I love music from all around the world.

@Tarqueth Kpop is way to manufactured to death and much to robotic to appeal at a mass level. Most kpop fans love the idols themselves and the music is just an added bonus. Kpop choreo is too rigid and too repetitive and rarely do the agencies even allow for personalities to shine through in the music. Kpop will never cross over to be big here until it becomes more free and about actual music and talent and less camerawork, presentation, and brutal training.

@Tarqueth I'm keeping my hopes up for because at least they seem to be allowed to be themselves. I think YG has finally figured out that actual talent and personality go a long way beyond just robots who have been overtrained. I am looking forward to their debut.


Baby Monster has some girls with amazing voices. Do we know who their producer is going to be yet? Is Yang Hyun Suk planning on producing them himself? Teddy produces BPs stuff, would they use him for BabyMonster as well?

@Tarqueth This is something a lot have been wondering. YHS seems to have a lot of ... potential projects in Korea and in Japan and I can't see him giving sole focus to Baemon ... I guess we'll have to see in September and beyond. I have high hopes for this group.

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